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Felte: A form library for Svelte

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Felte is a simple to use form library for Svelte. It is based on Svelte stores and Svelte actions for its functionality. No Field or Form components, just plain stores and actions to build your form however you like. You can see it in action in this CodeSandbox demo!

STATUS: Useable. Felte's API is stable enough to be used. I feel the main API is solid enough to not need breaking changes that fast, but more usage input would be useful. Reporter packages migh have breaking changes more often. If you're interested please give it a try and feel free to open an issue if there's anything missing! We would still recommend pinning the version of Felte or any of its packages and checking the changelogs whenever you want to upgrade.


  • Single action to make your form reactive.
  • Use HTML5 native elements to create your form. (Only the name attribute is necessary).
  • Provides stores and helper functions to handle more complex use cases.
  • No assumptions on your validation strategy. Use any validation library you want or write your own strategy.
  • Handles addition and removal of form controls during runtime.
  • Official solutions for error reporting using reporter packages.
  • Well tested. Currently at 99% code coverage and constantly working on improving test quality.
  • Supports validation with yup, zod and superstruct.
  • Easily extend its functionality.

Simple usage example

  import { createForm } from 'felte'

  const { form } = createForm({
    onSubmit: async (values) => {
      /* call to an api */

<form use:form>
  <input type=text name=email>
  <input type=password name=password>
  <input type=submit value="Sign in">


npm install --save felte

# Or if you use yarn

yarn add felte


Felte exports a single createForm function that accepts a config object with the following interface:

export type ValidationFunction<Data extends Obj> = (
  values: Data
) => Errors<Data> | undefined | Promise<Errors<Data> | undefined>;

interface FormConfig<D extends Record<string, unknown>> {
  initialValues?: D;
  validate?: ValidationFunction<Data> | ValidationFunction<Data>[];
  onSubmit: (values: D) => void;
  onError?: (errors: unknown) => void | Errors<D>;
  extend?: Extender | Extender[];
  • initialValues refers to the initial values of the form.
  • validate is a custom validation function that must return an object with the same props as initialValues, but with error messages or undefined as values. It can be an array of functions whose validation errors will be merged.
  • onSubmit is the function that will be executed when the form is submited.
  • onError is a an optional function that will run if the submit throws an exception. It will contain the error catched. If you return an object with the same shape as Errors, these errors can be reported by a reporter.
  • extend a function or list of functions to extend Felte's behaviour. Currently it can be used to add reporters to Felte, these can handle error reporting for you. You can read more about them in Felte's documentation.

When called, createForm will return an object with the following interface:

type FormAction = (node: HTMLFormElement) => { destroy: () => void };
type FieldValue = string | string[] | boolean | number | File | File[];
type CreateSubmitHandlerConfig<D> = {
  onSubmit: (values: D) => void;
  validate: (values: D) => Promise<Errors<D> | undefined>;
  onError: (errors: unknown) => void | Errors<D>;

export interface Form<D extends Record<string, unknown>> {
  form: FormAction;
  data: Writable<D>;
  errors: Readable<Errors<D>>;
  touched: Writable<Touched<D>>;
  handleSubmit: (e: Event) => void;
  isValid: Readable<boolean>;
  isSubmitting: Writable<boolean>;
  // Helper functions:
  setTouched: (path: string) => void;
  setError: (path: string, error: string | string[]) => void;
  setField: (path: string, value?: FieldValue, touch?: boolean) => void;
  setFields: (values: Data) => void;
  validate: (values: D) => Promise<Errors<D> | undefined>;
  reset: () => void;
  createSubmitHandler: (config?: CreateSubmitHandlerConfig<D>) => (event?: Event) => void;
  • form is a function to be used with the use: directive for Svelte.
  • data is a writable store with the current values from the form.
  • errors is a readable store with the current errors.
  • touched is a readable store that defines if the fields have been touched. It's an object with the same keys as data, but with boolean values.
  • handleSubmit is the event handler to be passed to on:submit.
  • isValid is a readable store that only holds a boolean denoting if the form has any errors or not.
  • isSubmitting is a writable store that only holds a boolean denoting if the form is submitting or not.
  • setTouched is a helper function to touch a specific field.
  • setError is a helper function to set an error in a specific field.
  • setField is a helper function to set the data of a specific field. If undefined, it clears the field. If you set touch to false the field will not be touched with this change.
  • setFields is a helper function to set the data of all fields.
  • validate is a helper function that forces validation of the whole form, updating the errors store and touching every field. Similar to what happens on submit.
  • reset is a helper function that resets the form to its original values when the page was loaded.
  • createSubmitHandler is a helper function that creates a submit handler with overriden onSubmit, onError and/or validate functions. If no config is passed it uses the default configuration from createForm.

If the helper functions are called before initialization of the form, whatever you set will be overwritten.

If a validate function is provided, Felte will add a novalidate to the form so it doesn't clash with the browser's built-in validations such as the ones resulting from required, pattern or due to types such as email or url. This is done on JavaScript's mount so the browser's validations will be run if JavaScript does not load. You may add these attributes anyway for accessibility purposes, and leaving them in may help you make these forms works even if JavaScript hasn't loaded yet. If a validate function is not defined, Felte will not interfere with the browser's validation.

Using the form action

The recommended way to use it is by using the form action from createForm and using it in the form element of your form.

  import { createForm } from 'felte'
  // install with `yarn add @felte/reporter-tippy`
  import reporter from '@felte/reporter-tippy'

  const { form, data, errors } = createForm({
    validate: (values) => {
      /* validate and return errors found */
    onSubmit: async (values) => {
      /* call to an api */
    extend: reporter,

  $: console.log($data)
  $: console.log($errors)

<form use:form>
  <input type=text name=email>
  <input type=password name=password>
  <input type=submit value="Sign in">

That's all you need! With the example above you'll see Felte automatically updating the values of data when you type, as well as errors when finding an error. Note that the only required property for createForm is onSubmit.

Also note that using the data and errors store is completely optional in this method, since you already get access to the values of the form in the onSubmit function, and validation errors are reported with the browser's Constraint Validation API by using the @felte/reporter-cvapi package.

If using Felte this way, make sure to set the name attributes of your inputs since that is what Felte uses to map to the data store.

Default values are taken from the fields' value and/or checked attributes. initialValues is ignored if you use this approach.

Using this approach data will be undefined until the form element loads.

Nested forms

Felte supports the usage of nested objects for forms by setting the name of an input to the format of object.prop. It supports multiple levels. The behaviour is the same as previously explained, taking the default values from the value and/or checked attributes when appropriate.

<form use:form>
  <input name="account.email">
  <input name="account.password">
  <input name="profile.firstName">
  <input name="profile.lastName">
  <input type="submit" value="Create account">

You can also "namespace" the inputs using the fieldset tag like this:

<form use:form>
  <fieldset name="account">
    <input name="email">
    <input name="password">
  <fieldset name="profile">
    <input name="firstName">
    <input name="lastName">
  <input type="submit" value="Create account">

Both of these would result in a data object with this shape:

  account: {
    email: '',
    password: '',
  profile: {
    firstName: '',
    lastName: '',

Again, be mindful of the fact that data will be undefined until the form element loads.

Dynamic forms

You can freely add/remove fields from the form and Felte will handle it.

<form use:form>
  <fieldset name="account">
    <input name="email">
    <input name="password">
  {#if condition}
    <fieldset name="profile" data-felte-unset-on-remove=true>
      <input name="firstName">
      <input name="lastName" data-felte-unset-on-remove=false>
  <input type="submit" value="Create account">

The data-felte-unset-on-remove=true tells Felte to remove the property from the data object when the HTML element is removed from the DOM. By default this is false. If you do not set this attribute to true, the properties from the removed elements will remain in the data object untouched.

You can set the data-felte-unset-on-remove=true attribute to a fieldset element and all the elements contained within the fieldset will be unset on removal of the node, unless any element within the fieldset element have data-felte-unset-on-remove set to false.

Felte takes any value that is not true as false on the data-felte-unset-on-remove attribute.

Binding to inputs

Since data is a writable store, you can also bind the data properties to your inputs instead of using the form action.

  import { createForm } from 'felte'

  const { handleSubmit, data, errors } = createForm({
    initialValues: {
      email: '',
      password: '',
    validate: (values) => {
      /* validate and return errors found */
    onSubmit: async (values) => {
      /* call to an api */

  $: console.log($data)
  $: console.log($errors)

<form on:submit="{handleSubmit}">
  <input type=text bind:value="{$data.email}">
  <input type=password bind:value="{$data.password}">
  <input type=submit value="Sign in">

With this approach you should see a similar behaviour to the previous way of using this. Note that the name attribute is optional here, but the initialValues property for createForm is required. It is a bit more verbose, so it's recommended to use the previous way of handling forms.

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